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10 Things You Should Never Do in a Job Interview

We don't know if a job interview means getting one step closer to your dream career for job seekers, but we hope it does for you. While taking this step, you may make some mistakes and miss the job you want. Here we will explain 10 things you should never do during a job interview and their possible disgusting consequences, but let's say that the rules here are common elements, not for the employer or the employer:

1. Be late

Being late for a job interview is one of the behaviors that hiring managers dislike the most. Being late shows that you are irresponsible, disrespectful and uncaring. It also suggests that you don't understand the seriousness of the hiring process. So try to arrive at least 15 minutes before the job interview. If something unexpected happens, be sure to let me know and apologize.

Bad Scenario: You were 20 minutes late for the job interview and didn't give any notice. The hiring manager has given up waiting for you and interviewed another candidate. When he called you, he said that he was very angry with you and canceled your application.


2. Being Unprepared

Going unprepared for a job interview does not show how willing you are for the job. Being unprepared includes situations such as not having information about the company, not knowing the requirements of the position, and not taking your resume with you. So, before going to the job interview, review the company website, read the position description, review your resume and take backup copies with you.

Bad Scenario: You went to a job interview but you don't know what the company does. When the hiring manager asked you questions about the company's vision and mission, you couldn't answer. You also had a hard time introducing yourself because you forgot your CV. The hiring manager wasn't very impressed with you and decided to look at other candidates.


3. Dressing Inappropriately

How you dress for a job interview reflects your professionalism and harmony. Dressing inappropriately includes situations such as dressing too shabby, too exaggerated, too revealing or too closed. Therefore, when going to a job interview, dress in accordance with the corporate culture of the company. For example, in a formal setting, choose a suit or skirt-jacket. Choose colors that are as simple and harmonious as possible.

Bad Scenario: You went to a job interview but you dressed too casually. You wore jeans, a t-shirt, and sneakers. The hiring manager was surprised when he saw you and thought you weren't right for the job. He sent you back without even meeting you.


4. Speaking Negatively About Former Employers or Colleagues

Speaking negatively about a former employer or co-workers during a job interview shows that you are unprofessional and disrespectful. Additionally, the hiring manager will also ask you to speak negatively about them. He may think you can talk. So avoid speaking negatively about former employers or co-workers during a job interview. If asked, express positively why you are leaving or want to leave.

Bad Scenario: You said in the job interview that you hated your former employer and co-workers. You explained that they subjected you to mobbing, treated you unfairly, and did not value you enough. The hiring manager thought that you were a very complaining and problematic person and found you unsuitable for hiring.


5. Using Inappropriate Language

Using inappropriate language in a job interview shows that you are uncultured, disrespectful and ignorant. Using inappropriate language is slang, swearing, derogatory, racist, sexist or political. It includes situations such as saying words. Therefore, definitely avoid using inappropriate language in a job interview. Use clear, clear and respectful language.

Bad Scenario: You used inappropriate language in the job interview. You used slang, swearing, or referenced the hiring manager's gender or ethnicity. The hiring manager found you very rude and disrespectful and kicked you out of the interview.


6. boast

It is important to introduce yourself and talk about your achievements during the job interview. However, avoid boasting while doing this. Bragging shows that you are overconfident, lack respect for others, and are unrealistic. Therefore, instead of bragging in the job interview, support your achievements with concrete examples and emphasize the importance of teamwork.

Bad Scenario: You praised yourself too much during the job interview. You said that you are the best candidate, you know everything, you don't need anyone. The hiring manager found you very arrogant and selfish and deemed you unfit to hire you.


7. Not Asking Questions

Not asking questions during a job interview shows that you are not interested in the job or have not done research. Additionally, the hiring manager may think you're avoiding communication or not being curious. So don't be afraid to ask questions during the job interview. Ask questions about the company, the position, working conditions, your expectations. In this way, you will establish a better communication with the hiring manager and show your suitability for the job.

Bad Case: You didn't ask any questions during the job interview. When the hiring manager asked you questions about the company, about the position, about working conditions, you just said yes or no. The hiring manager thought you weren't interested in the job or didn't do the research and deemed you unsuitable for the job.


8. Dealing with the Phone

Talking on the phone during a job interview shows that you are disrespectful, careless and uninterested. Dealing with the phone means keeping your phone on, making calls, texting, checking social media. Contains. Therefore, when you go to a job interview, turn your phone off or on silent mode and do not hold it during the interview.

Bad Scenario: You fumbled with your phone during a job interview. Your phone kept ringing and you answered it. You also texted and looked at social media. The hiring manager found you very disrespectful and careless and removed you from the interview.


9. Lie

Lying in a job interview shows that you are not trustworthy and dishonest. Lying about your education, experience, skills, achievements or references in your resume or in an interview This includes situations such as giving unrealistic information. So avoid lying in a job interview. If your lie is discovered, you will lose your job and your reputation will be damaged.

Bad Case: You lied during the job interview. You exaggerated or made up your education, experience, skills, accomplishments, or references in your resume or interview. The hiring manager noticed this and decided against hiring you. He also did not recommend you to other companies.


10. To give up

Giving up in a job interview shows that you are low on motivation and tend to give up. Abandoning includes situations such as forgetting to return before or after a job interview, rejecting a job offer, or canceling it after accepting it. So instead of giving up at the job interview, follow the hiring process and follow through until the end. If you will not accept the job offer, say so politely and say thank you.

Bad Scenario: You gave up after the job interview. You didn't get back to or call the hiring manager. You rejected the job offer or canceled it after accepting it. The hiring manager found you very unmotivated and unreliable and decided not to hire you.


Here are 10 things you should never do during a job interview and their possible consequences. I hope this article helps your job search. As Bilapilap team, we wish you success. 😊

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